Friday, August 12, 2011

And the Winner Is....

Somewhere in eternity, Osama bin Laden is fondling his 72nd virgin and cackling at the stupidity of his nemesis, the USA. Taking a long drag on his hookah, he reflects on how easy it was to defeat the Infidel.

Everything has gone his way, from the original attention-grabbing fireworks display in Lower Manhattan to the budget-breaking (and needless) wars the US chose to wage in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What a clever devil, that OBL. If you have no hope of defeating a country that shells out 40 times the rest of the world on “defense” by outspending them on weaponry or standing armies, just taunt them into spending even more, until they are well on their way to financial Armageddon. It worked like a charm with the old USSR.

As an added bonus, ignite a worldwide firestorm by provoking the US to focus its attacks on Islamic countries, proving to the world that Americans are anti-Muslim. Hoohah! Mission Accomplished.

Golly gee, that was easy. Dubya sure took the bait like we knew he would, but now even Obama is biting.

But wait: It gets better! Who would have imagined that the US would voluntarily decimate its already fragile economy with a political food fight over a contrived crisis called the “debt ceiling limit,” which has been routinely passed under administrations led by both parties.

If I had planned it myself, says OBL, I couldn’t have written a better script to cripple the US and its oligarchs.

Victory is mine. Praise Allah.