Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back to the Future

The latest Gallup Tracking Poll, released today, has Republicans winning generically over Democrats in the upcoming midterm Congressional elections by 10 points, the highest margin ever for the GOP. Although polls are only a snapshot in time and something unpredictable could happen between now and November, the gap has been trending upwards for the GOP all summer.

If I were a conspiracy theorist, I’d say that this is the result of a nefarious plot hatched by Turd Blossom, aka Karl Rove, to return the Republicans to power permanently. After all, it worked like a charm when he helped Nixon devise the Southern Strategy.

It would go something like this: Take the budget surplus you inherited from Bill Clinton, start an unnecessary, immoral and expensive war in Iraq, belatedly do the same thing in Afghanistan, “reform” Medicare to enrich Big Pharma at taxpayer expense, cut taxes for the richest among us, and drive deficits through the roof.

Reward companies that move offshore, crippling the manufacturing base and destroying the jobs that built a strong middle class. Sit back and watch unemployment skyrocket. Take a short-term loss in one election by putting up a half crazy old coot who chooses an unknown bimbo from Alaska as his running mate.

Turn the whole mess over to the Democrats and wait for the fur to fly when a raging, impatient and financially devastated electorate turns on them in less than two years because they haven’t fixed the mess you made in your eight-year reign of terror.

But no conspiracy theorist I! That’s the realm of the kooks who bay at the moon and think the black U.N.helicopters are coming for their AK47s. So it couldn’t have been a deliberate trashing of the country for long-term political gain. It’s probably just a coincidence.

Whichever, if the numbers hold, we’ll be turning the keys back over to the irresponsible teens who wrecked the family car. And we’ll surely be going Back to the Future.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant analysis of the shady goings-on behind the scenes and under a rock where Turd Blossom dwells. The only glitch in his evil plan to reclaim power for the GOP is that his party lacks a Presidential candidate. Sure, they may take over Congress. The right-wing noise machine has been pretty effective at reaching those who lack the brains to make their own analysis of the situation. Much easier to favor whomever yells loudest. But what will they do when it's time to field a credible Presidential candidate to oppose Obama? Which of their crabby old white guys will they choose to nominate this time? Have any opinions about that?
