Friday, August 27, 2010

Tea and Sympathy

I understand the anger of the Tea Party Crowd. I’m angry too. But I’m frustrated with their inability to understand where the responsibility for our problems lie, and their failure to direct their anger toward the real culprits.

Lest you think I’m partisan, let me say I blame ALL administrations over the past 30 years for our current morass, beginning with Reagan. That includes Bill Clinton, the Best Republican the Democrats ever elected. Clinton was responsible for NAFTA, elimination of the Glass Steagall Act (with help from Republican Phil Gramm), and the elevation of dicks like Robert Rubin, Larry Summers and Tim Geithner.

NAFTA created that giant sucking sound that Ross Perot presciently warned us about, offshoring the good jobs to Third World countries where labor can be hired for $2 a day, and toxic pollution is rampant.

Elimination of Glass-Steagall allowed the banksters to operate casinos, which created the housing bubble and nearly brought the world economy to its knees. If it weren’t for the TARP program, instituted NOT by Obama, but by GW Bush, we would now be in the Second Great Depression. Unfortunately, Obama did too little too late to generate a real recovery.

I was adamantly opposed to a Hilary presidency because I knew it would be Bill Clinton Redux. William Jefferson Clinton set in motion the policies that led to the complete rape of our country as we know it, paving the way for GW Bush and his henchman Cheney to finish the job.

The USA is approaching Third World Country status, not because of Obama. He is no socialist, by the way. He appears to be bought and sold by the same entrenched oligarchy that the dear leaders of our country have swooned over for three decades.

Obama is not your enemy. At least not in the way you think.

So dear Tea Partiers, can you begin to have an open mind, and look to sources other than Fox, Beck and Rush and David Limbaugh?

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion, the road to hell (in this case, America's economic crisis) really is paved with good intentions. I don't believe that any U.S. President intentionally set out to destroy the economy, as many in the Tea Party movement seem to believe. You are right, Carol, in pointing out that economic policy blunders dating back to Ronald Reagan created the mess we find ourselves in today.
    The repeal of Glass-Steagall wasn't intended to encourage financial institutions to operate casinos. It was corporate greed that led them to take big risks in search of big rewards/profits after repeal. And now we know that good intentions need to be tempered with some regulation of the freedom that repeal gave banks.
    Of course you already know that I supported Hillary Clinton's bid for the Presidency, so on that we disagree. I prefer to believe that Hillary has a mind of her own and wouldn't have been Bill's puppet had she been elected. Hope we get to find out who is right about that in a future election.
    Now -- as for those snake-oil salesmen Glenn Beck and the Limbaughs . . . . how does it happen that so many of the so-called Christian Right come to mindlessly follow such false prophets???? Hucksters like Beck and Limbaugh sprew fear, hatred and thinly disguised racial bigotry, and millions of gullible people drink their Kool-Aid and follow. That boggles my mind!
