Thursday, October 28, 2010

We're Still in Kansas, Toto

The violent storm system that brought tornadoes to the Midwest and South this week reminded me (1) How grateful that I no longer live in Tornado Alley, and (2) The destructive twister that hit Dorothy’s family in The Wizard of Oz is likely to descend upon us Nov. 2 in the form of some brutal windbags being elected to the halls of Congress.

It looks all too likely that Teabagger Sharron Angle will defeat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada. If she were running for a House seat, I wouldn’t fret, as it would take less than a year for her backers to have buyers’ remorse and kick her butt out. However, as a U.S. Senator she'd have six years to inflict real damage on the entire country.

Angle would abolish the Department of Education, privatize Medicare, and “transition out” Social Security because it is "welfare. " (Nevermind that we Boomers have paid into the system for 40 years.) And just ask our kids whether they would like to be responsible for our well-being in our dotage if we weren’t able to collect it, as their children will be for them if Angle has her way.

She wants the U.S. to withdraw from the United Nations. She does not believe that the U.S. Constitution mandates the separation of church and state.

And then there are her anti-immigrant rants and television advertising spots that reveal her as a racist to the core.

If she prevails, Sharron Angle will become the ugly elected face of Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.

Rand Paul is ahead in the Kentucky Senate race, despite the despicable scene witnessed this week when his Brownshirts stomped on the head of a woman who showed up outside his event to peacefully draw attention to his allegiance to the Corporatocracy.

In the Alaska race for U.S. Senate, the Palin-backed Joe Miller resorted to using hired guns to handcuff a reporter who wanted to question him about his dubious (and illegal) electioneering activities while holding public office. He has since confessed his guilt to the original charges, although he issued no apology to the editor of the Alaska Dispatch who had the temerity to raise the issue.

Thankfully, Miller has plunged in the polls. Sen. Lisa Murkowski has a shot of winning back her seat as a write-in, if Alaskans only know how to spell her name. But with the dumbing down of education that has taken place over the last 30 years, it is doubtful that Sarah Palin’s fellow citizens can master that task.

Mercifully, Christine O’Donnell in Delaware has exposed herself as so utterly ignorant that even the dumbest of the dumb can’t bring themselves to vote for her, so her Democratic opponent Chris Coons is well ahead in that race. Score one for the realists.

But back to Kansas, and what’s wrong with it. As author Thomas Frank pointed out in his book, "What's The Matter With Kansas?," these are good people who for some strange reason, keep voting against their own self interest. And they are about to do it once again on Nov. 2.

The cyclone is on its way. God help us all.

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