Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Rap for our Times

You got the GOP and the Tea Party Crowd
They have crazy ideas and they’re nasty and loud
From the anti-masturbator who was once a witch
To the woman in Nevada who’s a first-class bitch

They’re all misguided, and obnoxious as well,
They all say they’re Christians, but they’re going to hell
For if Jesus is their Savior as the Bible preaches
He’d hate the rhetoric of these sons of beaches

Just look at Kentucky where if Rand has his way,
No Social Security for a rainy day!
Thunderstorms are coming so you better be ready
Who holds your mortgage? Is it Fannie or Freddie?

Nobody knows, and that’s the rub
It’s been sliced and diced for the Rich Man’s Club

Are you ready to rely on your 401K?
Instead of a pension, when you’re 80 and a day?

Hope you get your wish in two thousand ten
When you win the election but you chose the wrong men



  1. Why don't you make a video of you rapping and post it???

  2. Yea I agree. Like I have said elsewhere, you should get Barrap Yobama to perform it. Nice writing.

  3. I just write 'em, I don't perform 'em. I'll leave that to my daughter the entertainer.

  4. OK fine have her do it and post that. gadammit
