Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Truth About Obamacare

I’ve found a new poster child for the right wing/tea party patriots who claim they want to take back their country.

Let me introduce to you Mr. Cranky, a blast from my Midwestern past, who now lives in the OC and who apparently, from his Facebook posts, has “arrived” and therefore doesn’t give a crap about the rest of us. He is, however, intensely focused on his own gene pool.

To wit:

“ 4 hours at the hospital with granddaughter #1 getting some stitches after her forehead met a brick column when she tried to step over the dog. Glad for private insurance, no government help required. Plastic surgeon? You got it! Great attention? You got it! Red tape! Hell no! Colored bandaides? Yah betcha bootie baby! Obamacare? Stuff it where the sun don't shine!”

He does have a way with words, does he not?

Cranky, I’m delighted that your granddaughter got a colored band-aid, but if whoever provides her with health insurance loses his/her job, all bets are off. Hope it never happens to your family, but if or when it does, you’ll have my sympathy, even though you seem to lack any compassion for those of us who aren’t adequately covered through no fault of our own.

What’s striking in Cranky’s post is his lack of understanding about what he calls “Obamacare” . He thinks it’s Socialism.

Well Cranky, let’s just put that tired old canard to rest once and for all.

The reforms that were enacted are just some much-needed rules of the road that reign in private insurers who have been screwing us ALL. If you have a new grandbaby and she is born with diabetes, the insurance companies won’t be able to deny her coverage.

Any of your kids still under the age of 26 but unable to find work and therefore uninsured? Now they can remain on your obviously gold-plated policy.

Did you ever have a problem with alcohol and check into rehab to dry out? You may have been sober for 35 years, but it matters not to the health insurance industry, as that is their definition of a pre-existing condition. You would have been UNINSURABLE, until the new rules were put into place.

“Frankly,” as the degenerate Newt Gingrich would say, I wish we did have national health insurance like all the rest of the civilized industrial nations of the world.

It STILL wouldn’t be socialism, but at least we would be rid of the pariah of a blood-sucking industry that has no business being in business.

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