Saturday, September 25, 2010

We're Stupid, All Right

A flu bug impaired my body, my brain and my ability to crank out a meaningful post this week. But even on my best day, I could never compose as cogent a piece as one of my favorite writers, David Michael Green, whose commentary on what has brought America to its knees is nothing short of brilliant.

Be advised fellow liberals, Green is no Obama apologist. He lays out all the ways in which this administration has been spineless, and thus, ineffective, in its first two years. On the other hand, he sounds a clear warning on the folly of returning to power the very people responsible for wrecking the country over the last 30 years.

For you Tea Party types, I hope you will read the essay with an open mind. Perhaps then you'll understand who your real enemy is.

Read it here. And leave your comments. Let the discussion begin!

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