Monday, September 6, 2010

When Others Say It Best, I Rest

This insightful nugget from David Michael Green, political science professor at Hofstra University In New York, is from an article he wrote for Common Dreams.

“It is now transparent, for anyone who cares to look, that the ugly tea party movement in America is an invention of the Koch brothers, Rupert Murdoch, Dick Armey and their sick ilk, once again mobilizing a boatload of fools who are angry, but too stupid to know quite why. This explains their endless rhetoric about the evils of the federal government, and their simultaneous desire to keep their Social Security and Medicare benies. It also explains their unmatched idiocy in serving as tools for their own destruction. If they succeed, they fail. If they get their champions elected, they lose their government-provided (Shhhh!) goodies. Brilliant."

It's well worth reading the entire piece. Take a look. Click here.

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